Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Gnokii : Upgrade From Nokia 5110 To iTegno 3000

(1) Backup your current ~/.gnokiirc file for Nokia 5110 to the safe place.

(2) Put in SIM Card to the iTegno modem and closed it well.

(3) Put in RS232 iTegno port to the PC and put in the modem Adapter to the electrical power.

(4) Modem will be lightening. Wait for a second and in a second the modem would be flicker and then as simultaneous the modem indikator light would be flickering.

(5) Login as root and extract gnokii-0.6.14.tar.bz2 files to the folder /usr/local/src with this command :

tar xjvf /media/cdrom/gnokii/gnokii-0.6.14.tar.bz2 –C /usr/local/src

(6) Go to the new extracted gnokii source directory gnokii with this command :

cd /usr/local/src/gnokii-0.6.14

(7) Do this step one by one to install new gnokii and have a look if this process successfull or not :

./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
make install-docs

(8) After step (7) done, copy .gnokiirc file to the root home folder.

cp /media/cdrom/gnokii/.gnokiirc ~/.

For the content of .gnokiirc file, please have a look on my previous article configuring iTegno 3000 with gnokii

(9) You need to make sure that your gnokii version is a new version. Check with this command :

gnokii --version

(10) Now checking the modem to make sure the modem is recognized by gnokii.

gnokii --identify

(11) If the information below shown to you then your modem has been recognized by gnokii.

IMEI : 351621000201970
Manufacturer : WAVECOM MODEM
Model : MULTIBAND 900E 1800
Revision : 543_09gg.Q2406A 1364028 020305 19:10
Serial device: closing device

(12) The next step is installing minicom. Minicom is an important tools to check whether your modem is in the right functional.

dpkg –i /media/cdrom/minicom/minicom_2.1-9_i386.deb

(13) If there's another package then install it simultaneously with that minicom package.

(14) The next step are operating the minicom. First, we need to setup minicom with the right serial baudrate and parity. Type in the linux console like this image below :

(15) Then you will be prompted with a menu like this image below. Choose Serial port setup.

(16) Put in the configuration / setting like this image below. And after all the configuration complete, press or key to exit from that menu.

(17) Choose Exit menu to exit from minicom setting menu.

(18) You will be prompted to the screen where you are able to typing the AT command.

(19) Type AT

AT+COPS? use this command to get your provider.


You need to make sure the value +CNMI: 2,0,0,2,1

If the value is different then you have to set the value with this command :

Save CNMI setting in your modem with this command :

Check again whether +CNMI setting already 2,0,0,2,1

(20) After finishing and +CNMI setting is right, press Ctrl-A then Z. Then you will be redirecting to the screen like this below.

(21) Choose Quit with no reset then you will be prompted to the screen :

(22) Choose Yes and you'll taken to linux terminal. Then you need to check if gnokii can sending sms or tidak. Type this command :

echo "sending sms from gnokii " | gnokii --sendsms +6285659969486 -r

(23) If in your SIM Card inbox already a sms, then check with this command below. This command very important to check whether gnokii can read the data from your SIM Card or not. If in this step not working then you must repeat gnokii installation from the beginning. To make sure if in your inbox already a sms or not, please send one sms to your SIM Card in your modem.

gnokii --getsms SM 1

If the final result is :

Received message type 12
GetSMS SM 1 failed! (Command failed.)
Serial device: closing device

Then, there is something wrong with your gnokii source.

(24) If there is no problem then we go to the next step to install smsd. Go to the smsd source directory.

cd /usr/local/src/gnokii-0.6.14/smsd
make install

(25) If there is no error then your smsd installation successfully complete. Go ahead to running up the smsd service manually to see the output on your linux console. Then try the application (for example : playsms).

(26) Finish.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Asep Andria I.W., ST.
Gender : Male
Email : dataandria [at] yahoo [dot] com
Yahoo! ID : dataandria
Language : English

Work Experience

11 June 2008 - Now : PT. Surya Citra Media Tbk. - A Holding Company of SCTV, Jakarta, Indonesia as a Senior Internet Programmer
21 March 2007 - 26 May 2008
: Printers Post Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia as a Computers Programmer
November 2006 - 20 March 2007 : Printers Post Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia as a Computers Programmer (Part Time Employee)
4 April 2005 - 20 March 2007 : Akur Pratama, PT. (a.k.a Yogya Group), Bandung, West Java, Indonesia as a Developer
10 December 2001 - 25 March 2005 : Konsep Dot Net, PT., Bandung, West Java, Indonesia as a Programmer
Year 2001 : www.inidia.com, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia as a Programmer
Year 1999 - 2000 : Dagonet Cyber Café, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia as a Network Administrator
Year 1999 - 2000 : STMIK PMBI Computer Laboratory, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia as a Technical Assistant
Year 1999 : Networking Studio, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia as a Network Administrator
Year 1998 - 1999 : STMIK PMBI Computer Laboratory, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia as a Technical Assistant

Expertise & Technical

1. Programming Language
- Classic ASP
- ASP.Net (VB.Net, C#.Net)
- Java/JSP/Servlet
- Python
- HTML, DHTML, CSS & Java Script
- Borland Delphi
- Visual Basic
- Oracle Form Developer

2. Database
- Oracle
- MS SQL Server
- MS Access
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite

3. Reporting Tools
- Oracle Form Report
- Crystal Reports

4. Web/Application Server
- Apache HTTPD
- Apache Tomcat

5. Operating System
- Linux
- Microsoft Windows

6. Foreign Language
- English

IT Projects Experience

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Year : 2002 – 2004
Project Name : Kurnia Mineral – ERP
Client Name : PB. Kurnia (now PT. Kurnia Artha Pratiwi), Padalarang - Indonesia
Description : Build a web based Intranet Application including Sales, Procurement, Inventory, Finance, and Accounting
Technology : Slackware Linux 8.0, PHP, JpGraph, MySQL, Java Script, DHTML
Url : -


Year : 2005 – 2006
Project Name : PRASS (PPBJ, PO, Receiving, Assets)
Client Name : Akur Pratama, PT. a.k.a Yogya Group, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Asset Management including User Request Form and Purchase Order
Technology : Fedora Linux Core 2, PHP, Oracle 10g, Java Script
Url : -


Year : 2005
Project Name : A/R (Account Receivable)
Client Name : Konsep Dot Net, PT., Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Provide Data & A/R (Account Receivable) Analysis
Technology : Fedora Linux Core 3, JSP, Servlet, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -


Year : 2006
Project Name : YRS (Yogya Retail System)
Client Name : Akur Pratama, PT. a.k.a Yogya Group, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Build an Application Integration for Retail System
Technology : Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4, Oracle Form Developer, Oracle Form Report, Oracle 10g
Url : -


Year : 2003
Project Name : Bratatex
Client Name : Bratatex, PT, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Involve on Analyzing OLAP Application
Technology : ASP, SQL Server, OLAP
Url : -


Year : 2007
Project Name : Production & Packaging System
Client Name : Adira Semesta Industry, PT., Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Production & Packaging System (Software & Hardware)
Technology : PHP, AJAX, JavaScript, MySQL, Delphi, Scanner Control Unit, Remote Terminal Unit
Url : -


Year : 2008
Project Name : XL Traffic Info Trouble Ticket System
Client Name : PT Excelcomindo Pratama, Tbk., Jakarta - Indonesia
Description : Customer Support application for XL Traffic Info
Technology : Linux, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2007
Project Name : Tiny CCBS
Client Name : Jogja MediaNet, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Description : Maintenance and Update Billing System for MediaNet Branch
Technology : Linux, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2007
Project Name : M2N CCBS
Client Name : Jogja MediaNet, Metro MediaNet, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Description : Maintenance and Update Customer Care Billing System
Technology : Linux, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2007 - 2008
Project Name : JMN CCBS
Client Name : Jogja MediaNet, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Description : Maintenance and Update Customer Care Billing System
Technology : Linux, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2006
Project Name : Corbec Billing CDR
Client Name : CORBEC Communication, PT., Jakarta - Indonesia
Description : Build a Billing Application based on CDR
Technology : Windows 2000 Server, PHP, MS SQL Server, Java Script
Url : -


Year : 2006
Project Name : MediaNet Sms Application
Client Name : Jogja MediaNet, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Description : Build a sms gateway application for an Internet / Data Cable Provider
Technology : Fedora Linux Core 3, PHP, MySQL, Java Script, Gnokii, Nokia 5110, iTegno 3000
Url : -

Year : 2006
Project Name : GBIKA Sms Application
Client Name : GBI Keluarga Allah, Solo - Indonesia
Description : Build a sms gateway application for a church
Technology : Ubuntu Linux 5.10, PHP, MySQL, Java Script, Gnokii, Nokia 5110, iTegno 3000
Url : -


Year : 2006
Project Name : GBIKA NCMS Application
Client Name : GBI Keluarga Allah, Solo - Indonesia
Description : Build an intranet network camera management system
Technology : Windows XP SP 2, PHP, MySQL, Java Script, Panasonic WV-NM100, DVR System
Url : -


Year : 2004
Project Name : Bandung International Textile 2004
Client Name : Peraga Nusantara Jaya Sakti, PT, Jakarta - Indonesia
Description : Registration & Visitor Statistic (On-Site)
Technology : Windows 2000 Server, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2003
Project Name : Indonesian Pharmaceutical 2003
Client Name : Peraga Nusantara Jaya Sakti, PT, Jakarta - Indonesia
Description : Registration & Visitor Statistic (On-Site)
Technology : Windows 2000 Server, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2002
Project Name : Bandung International Textile 2002
Client Name : Peraga Nusantara Jaya Sakti, PT, Jakarta - Indonesia
Description : Build a system that handles a Registration & Visitor Statistics (On-Line, On-Site)
Technology : Windows 2000 Server, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2002
Project Name : Indonesian Pharmaceutical 2002
Client Name : Peraga Nusantara Jaya Sakti, PT, Jakarta - Indonesia
Description : Build a system that handles a Registration & Visitor Statistics (On-Site)
Technology : Windows 2000 Server, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

E-COMMERCE, PORTAL AND CMS (Content Management System)

Year : 2008
Project Name : Avatar
Client Name : Teleakses Solusindo, PT., Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Create Avatar System for mobile telecommunication industry
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Javascript, AJAX, GraphicsMagick, FFMpeg
Url : -

Year : 2008
Project Name : GBIKA Re-Design
Client Name : GBI Keluarga Allah, Solo - Indonesia
Description : Official Site for GBI Keluarga Allah
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Javascript
Url : -

Year : 2007 - 2008
Project Name : Printers Post Auction
Client Name : Printers Post Pty Ltd, Sydney - Australia
Description : Moving system to adopt online auction system
Technology : Classic ASP, MS SQL Server, XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS 2.0, 508 Accessibility, Javascript
Url : -

Year : 2007
Project Name : MediaNet Wizard
Client Name : Jogja MediaNet, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Description : Official site, Web Generator, Templating System for MediaNet Services
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Javascript
Url : -

Year : 2007
Project Name : CMYK Directory
Client Name : BooDesign, Sydney - Australia
Description : Website for online printing and publishing directories
Technology : Classic ASP, MySQL Server, XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS 2.0, 508 Accessibility, Javascript
Url : -

Year : 2007
Project Name : BooDesign Re-Design
Client Name : BooDesign, Sydney - Australia
Description : Company Profile
Technology : Classic ASP, MS SQL Server, XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS 2.0, 508 Accessibility, Javascript
Url : -

Year : 2007
Project Name : Kodak Online Booking System
Client Name : Kodak Australia
Description : Maintenance & Update Booking System
Technology : .Net Framework 2.0, C#, MS SQL Server
Url : -

Year : 2007
Project Name : Balai Besar Keramik
Client Name : Balai Besar Keramik, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Website for ceramics and related industry informations
Technology : PHP, MySQL
Url : -

Year : 2006 - 2007
Project Name : Printers Post - New and Used Printing Machines and Graphic Equipment and Services
Client Name : Printers Post Pty Ltd, Sydney - Australia
Description : Maintenance & migrating from an old HTML layout to be XHTML and CSS based layout
Technology : Classic ASP, MS SQL Server, XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS 2.0, 508 Accessibility, Javascript
Url : -

Year : 2006
Project Name : DEPHAN File Management
Client Name : Departemen Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
Description : Build a File Management Application
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2005
Project Name : IT&S Intranet
Client Name : Akur Pratama, PT., Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Provide a professional technology and services to increase corporate user productivity
Technology : Fedora Linux Core 3, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2005
Project Name : KTA Online
Client Name : Konsorsium Telekomindo Aprotech
Description : Build a CMS (Content Management System)
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2004
Project Name : Konsep.NET Company Web
Client Name : Konsep Dot Net, PT. , Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Provide an information about company
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2003
Project Name : Pudak Scientific Product Catalogue
Client Name : Pudak Scientific, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Product Catalogue (Content Management System)
Technology : Fedora Linux Core 3, PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2002
Project Name : online.x-phones.com
Client Name : Konsep Dot Net, PT., Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Build a dynamic web that provide a Hand Phone Sales Online Order (Content Management System)
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2002
Project Name : www.textile.web.id
Client Name : Konsep Dot Net, PT, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Build a dynamic web that provide an Indonesian Textile Portal (Content Management System)
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2002
Project Name : Product Catalogue
Client Name : Indosantosa, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Build a dynamic web that provide a Product Catalogue & Online Order (Content Management System)
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2002
Project Name : www.harvest-works.com
Client Name : Harvest Indonesia, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Build a dynamic web that provide a Product Catalogue & Online Order (Content Management System)
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Year : 2001
Project Name : www.inidia.com
Client Name : www.inidia.com, Bandung - Indonesia
Description : Build a dynamic web that provide a Statistics & Data Portal (Content Management System)
Technology : PHP, MySQL, Java Script
Url : -

Formal Education

Year 1997 - 2003 : STMIK Dharma Negara (previously known as STMIK PMBI), Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Year 1994 - 1997 : SMUN 1 Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia
Year 1991 - 1994 : SMPN Buniseuri, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia
Year 1985 - 1991 : SDN Muktisari, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia

Non Formal Education

September 1999 : Supporting Windows NT, Networking Studio, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
August 1999 : Novell Netware, Networking Studio, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
July 1999 : Using Unix/Linux, Networking Studio, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
June 1999 : Hardware and Networking, Networking Studio, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Thursday, December 21, 2006

DNS and DynDNS

I've installed an ADSL Internet connection on my home. Also i've an Apache web server installed on my PC and i want to publish my own web site over the internet without having to host to any webhosting services.

And now the question is "How to make my own site on my home PC can be accessed by other people out there over the internet ?"

You need a DynDNS. What is DNS ? What is DynDNS ?

The DNS (Domain Name System or Service) is a process that maps hostnames (how humans address servers) to IP addresses (how computers address servers). When you visted www.printerspost.com.au, your computer resolved that hostname as This translation happens every time you access a website, FTP server, or an e-mail.

The Dynamic DNS allows you to alias a dynamic IP address like ADSL Internet connection to a static hostname in any of the domains, allowing your computer to be more easily accessed from various locations on the Internet. The Dynamic DNS service is ideal for a home website, file server, or just to keep a pointer back to your home PC so you can access those important documents while you're at work.

For a more information you can visit http://www.dyndns.com

Monday, December 04, 2006

TIMESTAMP or DATETIME on SQL Server 2000 ?

Mmm ... when you're working on SQL Server 2000 database and you want to choose a field type between timestamp or datetime, it may this article helping you on thinking about that datatype. Unfortunately you really can't use TIMESTAMP for any type of comparison. Or really for much of anything.

This is the quote from SQL Server Books Online :
The SQL Server timestamp data type has nothing to do with times or dates. SQL Server timestamps are binary numbers that indicate the relative sequence in which data modifications took place in a database. The timestamp data type was originally implemented to support the SQL Server recovery algorithms.

It further states Never use timestamp columns in keys, especially primary keys, because the timestamp value changes every time the row is modified.
It's very strange. The timestamp value changes every time the row is modified. So, it's better if you using a DATETIME or SMALLDATETIME column in this case. DATETIME columns can store dates from January 1st, 1753 through December 31st, 9999 (there's that Y10K problem) and are accurate to roughly 3 milliseconds. They use 8 bytes of storage. SMALLDATETIME columns can store dates from January 1st, 1900 through June 6th, 2079 and are accurate to the minute. SMALLDATETIME columns only use 4 bytes of storage.

You can insert values into DATETIME columns (or SMALLDATETIME) columns by enclosing them in quotes.

INSERT tblSales (salesDate) VALUES ('4/12/2006')

This will insert the date part with the time set to midnight (12:00:00 AM). You can insert the current system date and time using the GETDATE() function:

INSERT tblSales (salesDate) VALUES ( GETDATE() )

Your SELECT statement from above might look something like this:

SELECT * FROM tblSales WHERE salesDate = '2006-12-04'

This will run fine if you are putting dates in with no times. If you are adding times and want all the records for a particular day you can do something like this:

SELECT * FROM tblSales WHERE LEFT ( CONVERT ( varchar, salesDate, 120 ), 10 ) = '2006-12-04'

Using the CONVERT function makes SQL Server very picky about formats though (since that's what CONVERT does).